Sunday 14 September 2014

Hot Topic Wishlist

One website that I love but have never actually bought anything from is Hot Topic. They have the coolest alternative dresses and awesome band merch and pop culture treats but because all of their shops are situated anywhere but the UK and their online shipping costs are often a bit too high for me to afford, I never get round to buying anything. Recently they had a 50% off international shipping offer but unluckily for me, my student loan hasn't graced my bank account just yet, so unfortunately I couldn't take advantage of this mega offer. I was hoping that the offer would still be in affect when I get my loan later on this week, but I'm pretty sure it's ended already. Devastating.

However, I made a little wishlist of things that I love from Hot Topic at the moment, and things that I would totally have purchased if my funds weren't so low right now. If you're a sucker for all things pop culture and love alternative pretty dresses and such, I'd recommend Hot Topic. And those of you in the US and elsewhere with Hot Topic stores, I envy you so much!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

1 comment:

  1. #1, #3 and #5 are super cute!
    I'm your newest follower :)
    Feel free to pop over to my blog and check it out and say hello! :D
